Archive for July, 2014
Team Golf Collegiate Mascot Driver Headcover
- July 28, 2014, 1:01 am
- Matt
- In Accessories
Have you noticed how difficult some of the manufacturer headcovers are to get on and off of your clubs these days? For some reason, headcover design has gotten more and more complex, and therefore harder and harder to put on and take off. Many golfers are giving up on using the headcover that comes from the manufacturer and instead are using after-market headcovers that are easier to use, and offer a little style as well.
One such product is the Team Golf Collegiate Mascot Driver Headcover. These headcovers come in a wide variety of school mascots, so you can show off your college pride while protecting you club at the same time. Unlike some of the headcovers you will get when you purchase a new driver, these are easy to pull on and off the club. In fact, they are designed so that you should be able to pull the cover off the club with one hand. Once back on the club, the soft finish protects your driver from scratches and dings that could occur when it bangs into the other clubs in your bag.
Protect Your Investment
As you surely have noticed, drivers are expensive these days. If you are playing a driver from a major manufacturer, there is a good chance you paid $300 or more for the club when you bought it originally. If you are going to protect that club and get the most from it, you will want to keep it inside a headcover at all times when it isn’t in use. The Team Golf Collegiate Mascot Driver Headcovers are up to the task of protecting the head of your driver, while letting everyone on the course know who you will be supporting when Saturday afternoon football rolls around.
Stand Out from the Crowd
Not only are the headcovers that come from the manufacturer hard to get on and off, they also look just like the ones that everyone else on the course has. If you want to stand apart from the crowd and show off a little personality in your bag, these headcovers are a great way to go. Many schools are offered, so there is a good chance that your favorite college is available.
If you aren’t interested in a college headcover, but still like the idea of getting one that is unique and easy to use, there are many more headcovers on the market that you can choose from. Fuzzy animals, professional sports teams, and more are all represented in headcover-form. Check around the web, or at your local golf shop, to see all of the options that you can pick from.
To cover your driver in style and represent your favorite school, check out the assortment of Team Golf Collegiate Mascot Driver Headcovers right away. You won’t miss having to wrestle with that manufacturer’s headcover, and you will probably get lots of comments from playing partners about the stylish way you have covered your driver.
NIKE Men’s Grillroom Slip On Shoes
- July 21, 2014, 1:01 am
- Matt
- In Golf Shoes
Every golfer has at least one pair of golf shoes that they love to put on when they head to the course. Having a comfortable pair of shoes is an important element to not only playing good golf, but staying comfortable on the course as well. As you play more and more rounds, you will probably find that you prefer one specific brand or style of golf shoe, and will stick with it for years to come.
That is fine for on the course footwear – but what about when you are on the way to and from the course? What do you wear then? You don’t want to walk around all day in your golf shoes because they are usually at least a little dirty, and you will wear out the traction on the bottom of your golf shoes by walking on pavement too often. You need something that can be easily worn to and from the golf course that will keep your feet comfortable and save your golf shoes from premature wear and tear.
Slip On Shoes are Perfect
A pair of slip on shoes is a great choice for this task. Instead of having to lace up a pair of tennis shoes, or trying to walk very far in flip-flops, slip ons give you the best of both worlds. You get the comfort of a shoe instead of a sandal, but you don’t have to bend down to tie or untie them when you get to the course.
The NIKE Men’s Grillroom Slip On shoes are a perfect option for golfers who need off-course footwear, but still want to look stylish at the same time. This shoes have a low-profile design and are easy to get on and off your feet quickly. When you arrive at the course, just slide these shoes off and lace up your golf shoes for the round. When you get back to the car, remove your sweaty golf shoes and slide these back on. .
Away from the Course, Too
You don’t have to limit these shoes to just days when you are heading to the golf course. They will look good in a variety of situations, so you will probably find that you start to wear them more and more often. It is always good to purchase products that you can use as part of your golf gear, but also get some use at other times too. This way, you don’t feel as guilty spending money on golf-specific gear, but still get to add some to your collection.
The NIKE Men’s Grillroom Slip On shoes make for a great addition to your game-day equipment because you won’t have to wear your golf shoes to the course, or tie up regular tennis shoes when changing in and out of your golf shoes. Convenient, comfortable, and good-looking – what else do you need? Take a look at these Grillroom Slip Ons for yourself and see if they might be the right addition to your golf wardrobe.
Titleist DriHood Towel/Bag Hood
- July 14, 2014, 1:01 am
- Matt
- In Apparel
Playing golf in the rain might not be the perfect scenario, but it is usually better than not playing golf at all. If you are familiar with playing the game while the rain comes down, you know that there are a couple of challenges which you must conquer if you are going to play a good round in the less-than-ideal conditions.
First, you must keep your clubs as dry as possible. Wet golf clubs are slippery golf clubs, and that isn’t conducive to playing good golf. Also, you need to keep your hands dry as much as possible. Obviously, wet hands are just as big of a problem as wet clubs and grips, so having a way to dry your hands all round long is vital.
Most golfers use the same method for keeping their clubs dry during a round, assuming they are walking the course. They simply drape a towel over the top of their bag, and walk around with an umbrella in the air. While the umbrella is a great idea, placing the towel over your clubs isn’t going to do a lot of good. Sure, it might help a little, but the towel will just soak up water throughout the day and eventually become saturated. At that point, it won’t be doing much good trying to keep your clubs dry, and it won’t help you dry your hands at all.
A Better Solution
Titleist has developed a product which offers a great solution to this problem. The Titleist DriHood Towel/Bag Hood is waterproof on one side, and cotton terrycloth towel on the other. That means you can drape the DriHood over your clubs with the waterproof side up, and actually succeed at keeping them dry. At the same time, the towel will be staying dry underneath so you can use it to dry your hands and clean off your clubs all day long.
Keep the Umbrella
Despite the brilliant design and execution of this product, it is still a good idea to keep an umbrella in your bag and use it when the rain starts to fall. While the DriHood will protect your clubs and make sure you have a dry towel to use all day long, it won’t do anything to keep you dry. Using an umbrella makes playing in the rain far more enjoyable, as you can avoid getting soaked through and potentially getting cold as a result. A round of golf isn’t very much fun when you are soaked from head to toe, so use an umbrella in conjunction with the DriHood for a great water-fighting duo.
There are plenty of gimmick products on the market for playing in rainy conditions, but this isn’t one of them. The Titleist DriHood Towel/Bag Hood is an excellent idea backed up by quality construction to create a product that every golfer who plays in the rain can benefit from. Before you head out for your next soggy round of golf, make sure the DriHood is in your bag and ready to go to work.
SuperStroke Slim 3.0 Putter Grip
- July 7, 2014, 1:01 am
- Matt
- In Golf Clubs, Putters
Sometimes, something as simple as the grip on your putter can make all the difference in the world. If you struggle with your putting, as so many golfers do, you have probably tried everything to get yourself on track and make more of those short-to-medium putts from round to round. It is no secret that making more putts is the fastest way to lower scores, and you will never reach your full potential on the golf course until you sharpen your skills with the putter. For golfers who have tried everything and still can’t find the range with the flat stick, the SuperStroke Slim 3.0 putter grip is an excellent option.
What makes this grip unique?
SuperStroke has gained notoriety in the golf business for producing ‘fatter’ putter grips that are usually found on most putters. These grips conform to the rules of golf, but can help you to get a better feel for your stroke and actually can improve your technique. In fact, if you watch golf on TV on a regular basis, you have probably already seen the SuperStroke grips in action, because they are used by some of the best players in the world. That in itself should serve as some measure of proof to how well they can work.
As the name indicates, the ‘slim’ model of the SuperStroke putter grips is smaller than some of their other models, making it a good transition from a traditional putter grip that you likely use currently. If you were to switch for your normal grip to the largest grip in the SuperStroke line, the change might be too severe and you could find yourself giving up on it quickly. Instead, try this slim model and see what it is able to do for your game.
Why does a fatter grip help putting technique?
Active hands are the enemy of a good putting stroke. If you want to hit quality putts hole after hole, you should be engaging your big muscles (shoulders, back) and not your hands during the putting motion. With a small grip, it is easy to make your hands to active and start to have small twitches during the stroke – especially right at impact. This is what is commonly known as the ‘yips’.
With a larger putter grip in your hands, you will not be able to have these yips as easily. You will naturally want to move the putter more with your big muscles since your hands won’t have as easy a time manipulating the putter head during the stroke. You will need to practice on the putting green with this larger grip to get comfortable, but it will be worth your time and effort.
The SuperStroke Slim 3.0 putter grip is not just for players who have no options left when it comes to putting – it is a piece of equipment that is worthy of the consideration of any player. If you want to putt better, and who doesn’t, try this grip out for yourself and see what it can do for your stroke.