Nike Sasquatch Two Fairway Wood Review – New and Used –

Nike Sasquatch Two Fairway Wood

Like many recreational golfers out there, I have struggled for some time trying to find a good three wood that I can hit consistently well.  I have tried practically every brand under the sun expect for Nike, which I decided to give it (Sasquatch Two 3 Wood) a try at the local golf store.  There are three main changes that should be noted about this club.  First, it has a tungsten monorail sole design which supposedly helps when hitting out of bad lies.  Second, the fairway wood has a new face upgrade to cryo steel, leading to a bigger sweet spot.  Last but not least, the weight at the bottom of the club was positioned farther back for a lower center of gravity.  Technical golf jargon aside this golf club felt pretty good at the local golf store so I decided to try it out for a few rounds to see how it really played.  The exact golf club I reviewed was the Nike Sasquatch Two (or Sq) 3 Wood with a stiff flex standard Diamana shaft.


When first looking down the club one can’t help but notice the arc of the clubhead, which is very natural and seems to fit the eyes perfectly.  What is also worth mentioning is the rubber grip.  I don’t usually fall for grips that easily but the grip on this club is fantastic.  If you are a golfer who plays in hot weather this grip will not let you down.   The appearance of the club is great overall and definitely inspires confidence when heading out to the first tee.

What I first noticed after playing a couple of rounds with the Nike Sasquatch Two Fairway Wood was that it was easy to hit both off the tee and in the fairway.  Many recreational golfers have commented on three woods that while some may be good off of the tee, they are terrible when using them from the fairway.  This is certainly not o when using this club.  It must have something to do with the sole design, because everything just seemed to go right up in the air no matter what kind of lie I was in.  I even tried it a few times out of a fairway bunker and the ball still carried pretty far.

Another great feature that I found about the Nike Sasquatch Two Fairway Wood was in regards to off-center shots.  Generally what happens when a three wood is not hit on the sweet spot (or center of the clubface) the golf ball will be both off target and much shorter than anticipated.  What was different about using this golf club was the distance I got out of bad shots.  I intentionally hit golf shots both off the heel and off of the toe, and while they were off-line as expected I only lost about 5 to 10 yards in distance.  That is amazing compared to other three woods out on the market, especially lower quality ones where you can expect to lose as much as 50 yards on an off-center shot.


One negative seemed to really stand out, and that was a lack of ball control.  The ball goes straight when it is supposed to, but whenever I wanted to hit a fade or a draw it would either do it too much or not enough.  It just seems very difficult when trying to shape shots using this club out on the golf course.  Another possible negative is in concerns to the trajectory.  It gets a high trajectory on nearly every shot, but when I wanted to hit a low “stinger” off the tee for instance it was difficult to.


The Nike Sasquatch Two 3 Wood is a great fairway wood overall.  It does exactly as Nike said it would, providing great shots out of practically any lie, a bigger sweet spot that leads to longer off-center shots, and a higher trajectory.  However, it may not be the best choice for a near scratch golfer, as I found when playing a few rounds with the club that it can be difficult shaping shots with.  However, if you play at courses that do not require a lot of shot shaping this is certainly a must have fairway wood.

Take a look at some deals on new and used Nike Sasquatch Two Fairway Woods.

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Nike Sasquatch Sumo 460 9.5 Driver ProForce V2 Regular Flex Left-Handed

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@Used Nike SasQuatch SUMO2 3W+ Fairway Wood FW Reshaft for Men Right Handed

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Excellent Nike SQ 3 Wood Sasquatch Diamana Regular Graphite Rayon #B37

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NIKE driver Sasquatch 460 Driver 1W 10.5° 45.0 inches Diamana D rank